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Sunday 8 December 2013


Around the 17th or 18th century, a stout rigid stick took over from the sword as an essential part of the European gentleman's wardrobe, used primarily as a walking stick. In addition to its value as a decorative accessory, it also continued to fulfil some of the function of the sword as a weapon.

Voltaire owned 80 canes.

During a contentious White House meeting about patronage appointments for customs officers in the Northeast, Treasury Secretary William H. Crawford became so angry at President James Monroe that he began whipping his cane at the President, forcing Monroe to use fireplace tongs to defend himself. 

The Whangee is an Asian cane made of bamboo, which is also used as a riding crop. Such a stick was owned by Charlie Chaplin's character The Tramp.

The idea of a fancy cane as a fashion accessory to go with top hat and tails has been popularized in many song-and-dance acts, especially by Fred Astaire in several of his films and in the song "Top Hat, White Tie and Tails."

Nordic walking (ski walking) poles are extremely popular in Europe. Walking with two poles in the correct length radically reduces the stress to the knees, hips and back

In Idaho walking along the street with a red-tipped cane is strictly prohibited.

Contrary to popular belief, canes aren't meant to be used on the same side as your injury. While it seems logical to want to support the injured leg, you are actually meant to walk with the cane opposite your bad leg as to lean your weight away from the injury (rather than against) the bad leg.

Source Wikipedia

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