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Saturday 16 August 2014


Crows have 250 different warning calls depending on the type of predator they are warning their fellow crows about. They have include one for cats, one for hawks, and another for humans.

Crows remember the faces of threatening humans and often react by scolding and bringing in others to mob the perceived miscreant. Their memories are thought to last for a bird’s lifetime.

The Crow Paradox is that while Crows have no difficulty telling humans apart, and even hold grudges against individuals, for humans it's almost impossible to recognize individual crows.

Crows and owls hate each other and will instinctively attack each other on site, even when they've had no previous exposure.  If crows see an owl out in daylight, they try to kill it.

Blackouts were just one of the problems caused by an explosion in Japan’s population of crows in the early 2000s. They were caused by crow nests on electric infrastructure, so the Japanese went and destroyed their nests. This prompted the local crow population to just build more nests, far in excess to what they actually needed.

When a crow dies other crows investigate if there's a threat where it occurred, so they can avoid it in the future. They also crows hold ‘funerals’ and seem to know what death is and know to fear it.

"As the crow flies" is an idiom for the shortest route between two points. It is actually the rook that flies straight to its destination, rather than the crow, but the two black birds are often identified with each other.

Crows are monogamous and raise families together. Offspring from a previous nesting season will usually remain with the family to assist in rearing new nestlings.

Crow families that unwittingly host a cuckoo chick in the nest tend to have better survival rates.

When crows drop stones into water to make food more accessible, they display the reasoning skills of children aged 5-7.

Crows use cars to crack open nuts. To avoid being run over, they drop their nuts at pedestrian crossings. They even know to wait for the red light of traffic signals to retrieve the nuts.

The only two species on Earth that make fishing hooks are humans and New Caledonian crows, which use them to extract bugs from tree trunks. 

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